Ben Nevis Ridges
Today I headed up into the North Face of Ben Nevis on my own with a plan to tick off some of the ridges I haven't done. Firstly I went up Observatory Ridge. This 420m VDiff is a great route with most of the difficulty at the bottom. Once I got to the top I headed over to the summit then went down Tower Ridge which is a 600m Diff. A great way to descend off the summit. Once at the bottom, I traversed over beyond Carn Dearg Buttress to Castle Ridge which is a 275m Mod (easiest out of the 4 Ben ridges). Once I got to the top, I headed up to find the top of Ledge route which is 450m Easy and descended it. Not a very pleasant decent in summer!! It was my first time on Observatory and Castle and they both look like really good winter lines. Cant wait to get out and play on them. The rock was looking quite dry today until 3pm when the forested rain fell hard and saturated everything again. I passed a party on Tower Ridge and saw Donald (Abacus Mountaineering) with clients going up Observatory ridge.