D of E Assesment in Germany

I took out a group of 10 pupils from Kinlochleven High school, with the help of two teacher, to complete their D of E silver Expedition, as well as a few other fun activities. We were based in Southern Germany, the Allgau region of Bavaria. Sharing the border with the Tirol region of Austria, the Allgau is surrounded by some of the finest scenery, cultures and traditions to be found in Europe. We spent the first 3 days in the mountains on their expedition with assistance from Jen Dickinson who lives and works in the area. The group created the route cards and navigated themselves throughout, we stayed in mountain huts for two nights. The rest of the week we were water skiing, wake boarding, swimming, sightseeing (the chitty chitty bang bang castle), flat water canoing, plus various other activities.

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