Today I was working with returning client Izzi from Essex. She's been dying to go climbing as her last few personal trips have being either rained or winded off. So today we headed into Stob Coire nan Lochain in Glencoe. We had many options for the day but we started off on the Cold Climbs classic, Twisting Gully (III,4) which had some great neve on it. The climbing was brilliant and Izzi made quick work of it. We topped out and nipped back down and then climbed Raeburns Route (IV,4) which was fantastic. I have wanted to do this route for quite a while now and it is worth its 3 stars. The crag was pretty quiet today with other teams also on Twisting and Raeburns and also Dorsal, SC and NC Gully. The buttresses were black but where the snow is sitting (gully's and easier routes) it is of good quality.