Final Day on Skye

Today was my final day on Skye working for Skye Guides. And what a finale we had. Today I was back out with Mike, Gary and Craig and we had the same plan as Mikes friends Helen and Neil. We set off from Sligachan and headed up into the mountains. Out first point of call was Am Bastier and then we dropped down onto the tooth. Crampons weren't needed for the say as it was easy to kick in on the approach and becoming quite bare on the ridge. We abseiled down Kings Cave Chimney to have a quick look at Hung Drawn and Quartered (VIII,8) which looks like a fantastic line. Next year maybe. We then all carried onto Bruach na Frithe which gave great views. Everyone then went on to descend Fionn Choire but Neil and I decided on going over Sgurr a Bhastier to provide a little more interest. A great finish to 3 great day in the Cullin. Quick pint in Sligachan then back to Fort William.