Deep South Gully

Rob happy after leading his block of pitches

Ian enjoying his first winter lead

rob squeeeeezing through the chock stone
Today winds were gusting above 50 and we really felt it. The aim of the day was to have Rob and Ian leading whilst Chaz cleared the gear and focussed on his movement technique. We walked around the Horn's of Beinn Alligin and headed for Deep South Gully (I). This was by far the best grade I gully I have climbed, great atmosphere, fantastic location and really interesting features, it weaves through the mountain to a great finale. Rob block led a few pitches before I took over for a bit of trickier ground before Ian took over and led us to the crest of the horn. A 2 hour descent with some great mountaineering terrain finished our day off nicely. Another new venue for us all. Its great working up here!