Long drive, long walk and a short climb

Not looking ideal
Climbing in Scotland during the summer months requires a wee bit of driving around, especially if your based in Fort William like I am.  If your not prepared to travel then the next thing you will know is that it will be winter and you have only had a handful of days out on dry rock.  Alot of friends seem to be blaming the weather for not getting out climbing but I disagree.  Usually a drive East will avoid the worst of the West coast weather.  Now, this is not always the case.  Today Blair and I drove  over to the Cairngorm's to find conditions were sub-optimal despite what the forecast said.  Windy, cloudy and a treat of rain.  We bit our bottom lips and walked into Coire nan T-Sneachda, up the Goat Track and into the winds on the plateau.  Our original plan, or Blair's plan, was to climb Cupid's Bow on the central slabs on the Shelterstone.  The threat of rain put us off that idea.  Desperate slab climbing in the rain....no thanks.  Also not wanting to get committed onto a big route we opted for a nice wee route called the Devil's Alternative (E1 5a).  The first ascensionist was Allen Fyffe, Blair's dad!  The climbing was fairly easy but felt quite exiting in the on and off rain.  As the weather showed no signs of improving we packed up and went for an orange juice in Aviemore because the electricity was off at the Fyffe residence.

Blair pulling out on wet slopers

Blair on the 4th pitch

Chalk didnt stay on my hands for very long