I cant quite decided if we have won or lost over the last two days. How do you measure success and should we be unhappy with failure? My client John wanted to do a Cuillin Ridge Traverse, he has 20 years of Cuillin experience, he knows the Isle of Skye better than I do. But at the age of 60, he needed a helping hand along the ridge. The plan was south to north including everything possible. Munro's and all the rock climbs. Day one went well, we moved through the cloud all day, climbing the TD gap, third time lucky for John and an big weight taken off his shoulders, up King's Chimney, another big ambition, Sn Stac, In Pinn and on the the bivi at Sgurr a'Ghreadaidh. Unfortunately the weather took a turn for the worse and persisted through the morning. We made the decision to head off the mountain as it was going to be very slow progress and pretty unpleasant. So unfortunately not a complete traverse but John succeeded in two ambitions on the first day. A success within a failure I guess.