Hard Rock - 4th edition
“Hard Rock is the best of British Climbing”
This evolution is the 4th edition on the Hard Rock series. An outstanding collection of British rock climbs that Ken Wilson has deemed as an important library of routes. The collection spawned from when the first edition was published in 1974, over 5 decades of evolution. If you are not familiar with the previous editions then you will be informed in the opening pages as to where the vision and fantasy came from.
How many have you climbed?
The Hard Rock ‘ticking’ bonanza had been created, now many rock climbers are aspiring to tick ‘the list of all lists’ . This is an obtainable list for many but a dream to many more. Little do many know, a ‘tick list’ was not Ken’s vision, this book was a “call to action”, an opportunity to open up a catalogue of some world class climbing on our very small island. For this reason, you will see that some changes have been made to the original lists (which will excite the list-tickers), as some routes have fallen down and thirteen new routes have been added. For the avid ‘ticker’, this new edition will bring some new inspiration, whether it is reading about a route you haven't done or sharing the experience of the ones you have.
Possibly my favourite location for a rock trip
Captivating authors and photographers share their experiences on the Hard Rock routes. A list of names which promise an absorbing story and many of my hero’s share their tales in their well known style. The likes of Martin Moran, Hamish MacInnes, Jimmy Marshall, Ken Wilson, Nick Estcourt, Jim Perrin, Peter Crew and many others will carry you through the routes with enough detail and excitement to spark the planning juices. To be honest, the updated photography will do just that. When can I next go to South-west England? Can I do all the remaining routes in one trip? Will I ever complete the list? I'm sure the book will spark these same thoughts when you are able to get a copy.
One of my favoured authors, my mentor and friend. A treasured piece.
A brilliant book which I will keep dipping into, maybe one day I will complete the list.
Other important reading from the late Ken Wilson
Classic Rock
Extreme Rock
Cold Climbs
For your lock down reading, head to www.v-publishing.co.uk